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From Doubt to Destiny: How Soul-Aligned Coaching Transformed Rachel’s Life and Business

Sep 10, 2024
From Doubt to Destiny: How Soul-Aligned Coaching Transformed Rachel’s Life and Business

We all have moments in life where we feel stuck, uncertain about which direction to take or how to achieve the dreams that tug at our hearts. But sometimes, all it takes is the right guidance to turn doubt into destiny. In today’s blog, I’m excited to share the incredible journey of Rachel Pellitt, an inspiring entrepreneur who discovered her true calling through soul-aligned coaching. Her transformation is a testament to the power of combining spiritual growth with practical business strategy, and I hope her story resonates with you as much as it has with me.

Rachel's Journey and Initial Challenges

Rachel came to me at a crossroads, managing multiple businesses but feeling an inner nudge towards spiritual coaching. She was torn between pursuing a new path in fashion or stepping into her passion for spiritual coaching. She had already invested in courses for a potential clothing brand, but it didn’t sit right with her.

It all started in November 2023 when Rachel joined my Soul Goal Mapping Challenge—a five-day intensive designed to help people align their goals with their soul’s true calling. Rachel had heard about the challenge through her daughter, and despite some initial hesitation, she dived right in.

From the beginning, it was clear that Rachel was hungry for clarity and direction. Like many entrepreneurs, she faced the common challenges of not having enough time, energy, or money to truly go for her dreams. She needed help understanding where to focus her energy and which path would bring her the greatest fulfillment.

The Power of Soul-Aligned Coaching

What Rachel experienced was nothing short of transformational. Through the Soul Goal Mapping Challenge, she was able to take a step back and breathe amidst the chaos in her life. As she shared, she was dealing with bushfires, her daughter moving house, family health issues, and other personal dramas. Yet, even in the midst of all this, the challenge helped her find clarity and calm.

Rachel described her experience with me as “amazing.” She realised that despite thinking she had healed from past wounds, there was still work to be done. The coaching sessions helped her connect deeply with her own body and energy, revealing layers of healing that she hadn’t even known were necessary.

As Rachel put it, “You made me realise by going through my soul-goal brand and writing down all my history, there was no fashion—it was all spiritual.” This realisation was pivotal. Rachel discovered that her true passion wasn’t in fabric or fashion but in guiding others on their spiritual journeys.

Key Transformations and Results

One of the most significant changes Rachel experienced was a renewed clarity about her direction. She realised that her path was spiritual coaching and decided to fully commit to it. This clarity wasn’t just an abstract concept; it translated into practical steps and tangible results.

Rachel had a side business hiring out tile and grout cleaning equipment that she had put on the back burner. When she first came to me, this business was generating about $300 per week. Through our coaching, we uncovered that she had been dismissing this business’s potential because she felt bogged down by the day-to-day operations.

I encouraged Rachel to look at this business differently—as an opportunity rather than a burden. She began to put systems in place, automate processes, and focus on leveraging what was already working well. By April 2024, just a few months after our initial conversation, Rachel's business income had increased from $300 a week to $1,000 a week!

And the transformation didn’t stop there. After going through the Soul Goal Academy, Rachel decided to refine her business model further, reducing her service from a seven-day hire to just three days while maintaining the same revenue. This shift freed up her time to focus on her passion for spiritual coaching and created a more balanced, aligned lifestyle.

Emotional Mastery and Personal Growth

While the business results were impressive, what was even more significant was the emotional and personal growth Rachel experienced. One of the key aspects of my coaching is helping clients achieve emotional alignment, which is crucial for manifesting sustainable success.

Rachel realised she had been sabotaging herself with fears of not meeting her goals and engaging in emotional eating habits that were affecting her health. Through our work together, she confronted these fears head-on and found healthier ways to deal with stress and uncertainty.

She shared, “I needed you to clarify and get it out, and actually, I’ve fixed that, and I feel a lot better.” This emotional breakthrough allowed Rachel to get back into a flow state where she could make decisions from a place of alignment, rather than fear or doubt.

The Awakened Soul Program helped Rachel reconnect with her intuition and emotional mastery, equipping her with the skills to manage stress and stay focused on her true purpose. As Rachel said, “I’m not the same person I was in October. I’m more confident, and I feel like I’m thriving.”

Why Soul-Aligned Goals Matter

Rachel’s story is a powerful reminder of why soul-aligned goals are so important. When your goals are truly authentic to who you are and what you’re here to do, everything changes. You find the courage to take inspired action, let go of what no longer serves you, and step boldly into your true purpose.

For Rachel, having soul-aligned goals meant she could finally integrate her business and personal life in a way that felt authentic and fulfilling. It allowed her to nurture her business, grow her income, and step confidently into her role as a spiritual mentor—all while maintaining balance in her personal life.

Encouraging You to Take the First Step

If Rachel’s story has inspired you, I invite you to consider what it would mean to align your goals with your soul. The first step is always the hardest, but it’s also the most rewarding. The Soul Goal Mapping Challenge is an opportunity to explore what’s possible for you—to find the clarity, confidence, and courage to live your best life.

Join the waitlist for the next Soul Goal Mapping Challenge today, and take that first step towards a more aligned, fulfilled, and abundant life.

Conclusion: Building a Future on Your Terms

Rachel’s journey is a testament to what’s possible when you combine spiritual growth with practical strategy. She turned a struggling side business into a thriving venture, found her true calling, and created a life that reflects her deepest values. If you’re feeling stuck or uncertain about your path, remember that you have the power to rewrite your story—just like Rachel did.

So, what are you waiting for? The next step in your journey could be just around the corner. Come and join us in the Soul Goal Mapping Challenge and see where it leads you!

Ready to align your goals with your soul?
👉 Join the Waitlist for the Soul Goal Mapping Challenge

Until next time, sending you love, light, and manifesting miracles!

Katie Joy - The Global Butterfly
Founder of