I’m Katie
"The Global Butterfly"
Using energy alignment and emotional intelligence skills
to upgrade your reality so you can experience more freedom and joy
My life’s mission is to accelerate your spiritual awakening, heal your heart, align with your Soul’s purpose, and activate your new upgraded reality! So that you can live your authentic meaningful life on your terms, with peace, purpose, prosperity, joy and abundance
Want The Juicy Background Of My Journey, Discovery & Transformation To Where I am Today?
Read My Story

Hey! I’m Katie Joy
This is the short intro version...
Even though I light up the world online and offline as an inspiring leader, healer, influencer and entrepreneur, I’m also very, very, human and often balancing my own energy, juggling many roles as a single-mum of one adorable and soul-lit child. I work from home, or which-ever cafe I fancy parking my laptop to work from while sipping a latte with chocolate sprinkled on top (I consider cappuccino foam a true waste of a good cup of coffee!)
I’m passionate about helping people to transform their life and business (I say “Biz” for short) with Love. And the powerful strategy I use to impact in a deeply transformative way is to empower people emotionally and financially, literally putting more resources and money into their minds and hands.
I believe that we change the world with love. To do that we need to learn to harness and master our energy, be of service to others, make money, and be abundant.
“My role in this world is to help you elevate to a higher consciousness so you can create and upgrade your reality.”
You know that feeling deep inside where you feel like something is missing, and perhaps for years you have been searching for truths? Or like whatever you are trying to look at, and understand, is beyond sight because of a thick layer of fog, but no matter how hard you have tried, you just couldn’t figure “it” or yourself out…. And you tried, but instead you have suffered months, even years of exhaustion and frustration?...
Think of me like a powerful lighthouse shining the way for you to bring your lost ship at sea, guided to dock safely in the harbour of your chosen destination.
What would life look, sound and feel like for you with clarity, purpose, energy to take aligned-action, and manifesting results with a belief that you are only capable of authentic successful outcomes?
I love to help you create the highest and best version of yourself, so that you can create the highest and best version of your reality, and truly enjoy life!
Basically, I create safe and sacred spaces for soulseekers and soulpreneurs to give themselves the permission to awaken to their greatest potential, heal and release limited programming so they can shine their light and consciously create their authentic, abundant life.
I love to help people learn to harness and master their energy, truly connect to their Soul's purpose, and live a life full of delicious possibilities
I help to normalise living an amazing and abundant life with emotional and financial freedom. To bring the invisible into the light so it’s visible to address, release, heal, align (or a combination of) and to identify and then release all the energy blocks and sabotaging programs that hold you back.
I do that through:
- My simple yet FUN 4-week e-course The Money Game - Mind It! Make It! Manage It! Multiply It! You can purchase and get instant access here.
- My signature program The Awakened Soul Program - the course and community that will transform your life and help you discover your true authentic dreams and goals, heal past traumas, and manifest more joy, love and abundance in your reality and relationships. Click HERE to join the waitlist to be first notified.
I’m here to help and serve (my Cancerian side loves and lives to be of service to others, care about your being and guide with intuition). Your emotional and financial freedom is what stands you in your Sovereignty, and living on purpose (your soul’s true calling). Yes, you have always felt different, but that’s because you’re here to MAKE A DIFFERENCE.
Xx Katie
P.s. Start with healing and elevating your relationship with money with this course

What's The Meaning Of The Global Butterfly?
It helps to begin this story with understanding the symbolism of a butterfly. The butterfly symbolism is connected as a representation of personal growth with death to the old and resurrection to the new. They are about change, renewal, hope, endurance and the courage to embrace the transformation to make life better. In my experience, they also remind us to pay attention to our intuition - think "butterflies in your stomach" when something doesn't feel right, especially when you ignore red flags.
Butterflies are not only beautiful (they represent the Light of the Soul), but they also have a sense of mystery and divine movement in their freedom to flit from place to place and are a metaphor representing spiritual rebirth, transformation, change, hope and life. Their journey through a magnificent alchemical transformation closely resembles the process of spiritual transformation and serves to remind us that life is short, too short to live anyone else’s version of life, but our own.
The relevance in my own life is because in 2007 when I was in turmoil wondering how I was going to regain my freedom and exit a toxic relationship, one filled with emotional and physical abuse, I had a 21-day recurring dream (I would call it a vision). Each night, I would awaken in the very early hours of the morning (like 2-3am) contracted in my body in a dark, pitch-black space, dripping with sweat, and grinding my teeth. The first two weeks it was the exact same vision. Then by week three, I began to realise I was dreaming of chewing my way out of a cocoon, each night making the hole a little larger, until the twenty-first night. On this last night, I switched from experiencing myself in the dream, to seeing myself in the dream. I witnessed my head on a Ulysses Butterfly body begin to emerge from the cocoon and crawl up and out onto the limb of a tree. I felt the breeze blow gently against my damp wings, still stuck together and waiting to dry them off. And in that moment, while I had done everything to push God out of my life until this point, I clearly heard him say, “patience my child, your time has come.”
That very next day, circumstances occurred that pivoted my life allowing me to exit a destructive marriage into a life of freedom. It didn’t happen overnight, for it was indeed a long journey, but that was the turning point. I never had that dream again. But I knew it was the next chapter of spiritual awakening for me, to create my life with the life-force giving energy of God’s love, and to first love myself. .
Twelve months later, I had been physically and financially separated for six months, then took the leap of faith to retire from my career as a Paramedic, to follow my soul’s calling to travel the world. Which I did from March 2008, and travelled full-time for four years, listening to my soul and going on life-transformational adventures to 7 continents and 58 countries. All that time, I continued to grow my financial freedom through investments, and turning ideas into income with both passive and active streams of abundance.
My Official Bio
Katie Joy is the Creative Director of The Global Butterfly which is a source of inspiration for those who refuse to settle for anything less than an extraordinary life, instead transform it to one aligned with soul-purpose, and experiencing an expansion of peace, love, joy, prosperity and abundance.
She is the Spiritual Mentor & Money, Marketing & Mindset Coach for Heart-centred and Soul-Driven Empaths, Entrepreneurs, and Go-Getters, specialising in Emotional Intelligence, healing past trauma, and soul-alignment so you can upgrade your reality to live with purpose and experience more joy, love, prosperity and abundance.
She helps people who are soulseekers and/or soulpreneurs know their value, stand in their power, release the fear of money and success, clear energy blocks and create their Authentic Soul-Aligned Lives.
Her e-course The Money Game - Mind It! Make It! Manage It! Multiply It! has helped students all over the world take their first step into Katie's world to upgrade their emotional and financial power, learning the principles, skills and real-life lessons how Katie activated her financial freedom to live a financially independent life, on her own terms.
Her signature course The Awakened Soul Program has helped thousands of students from all around the world, to awaken to their full potential, heal past trauma and manifest more joy, love, prosperity and abundance with ease.
She's a highly active conscious creator ("like a ninja on crack"), a published author, and a full-time single-mother of one, which she home-schools. She lives in the beautiful sunny city of Perth, Western Australia not too far from the coast and near the most magical beach called Coogee, where she spends a lot of her time enjoying the sun, sand and surf.
Find Her:
Facebook: @KatieJoyTheGlobalButterfly
Instagram: @Katie_Joy_The_Global_Butterfly

Aimee Hanson
"Katie is more addictive than House of Cards, Orange is the New Black, Empire, and Scandal all rolled into one! She's one of the smartest, most soulful strategy experts I know and she doesn't disappoint. Katie's work is all about you - her thoughtful approach to strategy gets straight to the core so you can create a bigger impact with your life & business faster than you believe is possible. Haven't experienced her yet? You are missing out!!!"

Sonya Springer
"I wanted to tell you I just accomplished getting another raise of 15%. I’ve been working on it for over a year. That was 20% last time, now another 15%. Finally to the 6 figure income!! It is a huge increase. Because of the work I’ve done with you, I’ve been more attuned to ME and MY worth. THANK YOU. Much love to you. MUCH. Words cannot adequately express how you’ve impact life."

Bernie Rutland
"Your life can change RAPIDLY in the space of just a couple days!!!!
All The Tools You Need To Empower Yourself Emotionally & Financially
How I can help you and guide you on your journey
There is nothing more important than your FREE WILL and SOVEREIGNTY to create your authentic life, unhindered.
So what holds us back?
Limiting beliefs, dysfunctional programs, ancestral patterns and energetic interference will stop you from creating what your heart desire's, even if you know what you want and take action to get it.
First, you must CLEAR YOUR ENERGETIC FIELD and claim your energetic real estate, being connected with your Higher Self (your power).
Second, staying connected to your power, learning to harness and master your energy to create and manifest, is a daily practice.
Third, to create the life of your dreams (one that LIGHT'S YOU UP) you MUST heal and nurture your relationships; with yourself, with others, with money so that you allow financial abundance (and all sorts of wonderful resources) to flow into your life for the benefit of yourself, your family, your community, and the world.

In 7 minutes…use this simple key tool to BEING The light, to changing and raising your vibration.
Changing your emotional state.
No matter what’s going on in your life, listen to this audio tool to connect with love and light energy, and change your emotional state immediately which will alter your energy to manifest empowering and positive outcomes.
It’s also a protective tool, shielding yourself from the negative and the conflicts and the toxicity.
This is THE FOUNDATIONAL experiential tool for EVERYTHING Katie engages with.

4-week e-course The Money Game - Mind It! Make It! Manage It! Multiply It! You can purchase and get instant access here. Click the button below to learn more...
BONUS "More Money In My Pocket" Challenge! To Make Your Investment Back Within Your First Week!

The Awakened Soul Program - the course and community that will transform your life and help you discover your true authentic dreams and goals, heal past traumas, and manifest more joy, love and abundance in your reality and relationships.